Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bad Day

This is my unwinding to anyone who cares, or who doesn't but still reads our blog, because Brad is not here to listen to me complain after a long day. I know people my age do not attend public meetings regularly if ever, but some day when they have a house and live in a community for a long time they will. I am asking everyone I know to never ever ever ever yell at a state or city employee. It is rude, it accomplishes nothing, and I definitely don't get paid enough to be treated so rudely. That is why we leave comment cards so people can get their comments in a public record and not have to personally attack someone because they are working for the project. It is also amazing to me that the people that make the most money are only worried about how something is going to increase their taxes. Ahhhhhh! And someone stole my front hub cap today, why?!?


Jill said...

that is a way bad day. i'm so sorry kjirstin. i use to work at a place where i would get yelled at continually for something i had nothing to do with. i hope the rest of your week gets better and that by some miracle your hub cap gets magically put back on. i wish i could give you a hug. just remember you have many people who love you and think the world of you. and if you need some cupcakes, i have many....

Burton the cool said...

oh man, sorry dude.

Shad and Krista McOmber said...

Yuck, I'm sorry. I hate days like that. People seriously have NO tact sometimes. I saw that you called me yesterday!!! Thanks! Sorry I haven't called you back yet...We've been missin' you lots lately. Its going on a year since we've seen you! Boooo.

Nathan and Whitney said...

Stole your hubcap?!?! What losers!

I am sorry you had a bad day, people can be so rude! I hope today goes better for you.

Robyn said...

Oh I'm sorry Kjirst! Here's a big E-HUG!

Joe and Lora Leigh said...

Sad day. Literally. Sorry it was. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! If not, you should make a fort in your living room to help cheer yourself up.