Sunday, November 14, 2010

End of the Ride

So my boss said to me the other day "This job has felt like a roller coaster ride," I thought about that statement and I totally agree. From sitting in anticipation at the beginning waiting for the ride to start, to being in the middle going so fast that you don't know where you are some days and when or if you can even stop. The last couple weeks we have been going up and down and up and down and even been through a couple loops. We didn't know how much longer the ride would last, and even lost most of the riders with us. Well on Friday we got the word from the man that runs the roller coasters that the new manager of the amusement park did not want our roller coaster to continue running. So it looks like the end of the ride. This next week I will be looking around for a new ride to ride, maybe the teacups or the ferris wheel.


Robyn said...

I've been thinking about you a ton with all the politics going on here. Sorry to hear about your job. On the bright side, we'll get to hang out more and get you ready for that little girl! :)

Joe and Lora Leigh said...

Sorry to hear about your job, Kjirstin. I hope you will be able to find another one really soon. But in the meantime, enjoy the break! Rollercoasters can be fun, but they're also kind of exhausting after a while. :)

Shad and Krista McOmber said...

Dude, I'm sorry!!! I was totally thinking about you yesterday! I was going to call you before the BYU game to chat. I think I will def. be calling you tomorrow! :) Sorry about your job, but now you can get into "mommy-mode" and get ready for baby girl ROBERTS! Whoop!