Saturday, July 24, 2010

Activity Days

So I got an additional calling as Activity Days leader. I don't know why it seems that every time I get a new calling I get a feeling of inadequacy. I guess it won't be until I have had every calling in the church that I will be prepared for anything. Well it was just about the time were I was telling Brad that I loved being a nursery leader and thought we had it all figured out, when I got asked to be the Activities Day leader. 8-11 year old girls are a lot different then 2-3 year olds. 2-3 year olds will love you if you just hold them on your lap or you play kitchen with them. 8-11 year olds seemed to me like they may be expecting more out of me. Well 2 activities down, and though it may be work (not more just different work then with the little kids) I think I am getting to really enjoy being around these girls. I loved the pics from our first activity of acting out the story of Ammon. Then we just had a daddy daughter activity which included making pineapple upside-down cake in the dutch oven.


Joe and Lora Leigh said...

What awesome activities! I was activity days leader for a year or two in our ward too. It was kind of overwhelming for a while, but then I fell in love with the girls. It's an interesting age, for sure! I just know you'll do a wonderful job. You are such a fun person. Those girls are lucky to have you!!

Nathan and Whitney said...

How fun! I think they are going to LOVE you...I know I would if you were planning MY acitivites! You know how to have fun, that's for sure!

Chelsea said...

I think you are going to be their biggest role model - I would have LOVED to have you at that age! You are so fun and full of adventurous ideas, how could you not?!